Walgreens is a store that functions as both a pharmacy and a drug store. Customers walk in when they are feeling sick and they get attended to by health professionals who attend to their medical needs and prescribe the drug that should be administered for the customer to feel better. Then, the customers are expected to purchase the drug at the drug store. What happens when customers have illnesses like diarrhea and they have the urge to use the bathroom? What if there is no home close by where such an individual lives?

How To Locate the Bathroom Inside a Walgreens Store

The Walgreens bathroom is located very easily. All you have to do is look around for the “restroom” sign at the top of any door. In most places, you will find it towards a corner at the back of the store. That’s it, very easy!

There are times when you’re extremely pressed and don’t have time to search for the “restroom” sign. In these situations, the best thing to do is ask the nearest employee for directions to the “restroom.” Immediately, you’ll get the answer you want.

Is the bathroom at Walgreens for the public?

The Walgreens bathroom is a place where anyone can go, regardless of whether or not they are allowed to use the public toilets. This is unlike most Walgreens stores, which do not allow the public to use some of their bathrooms.

All customers are allowed to use the bathroom, but they are all enjoined to be careful while using it and ensure that it is never used dirty and unkempt. The bathroom of an establishment like Walgreens must always be kept clean.

Walgreens takes care of the bathroom in a way that ensures that other users are kept safe and comfortable.

If you find the bathroom to be in a poor condition or unclean, your best option is to bring it to the attention of the employees and request that it be cleaned. ..

Criticisms and Lawsuits Faced by Walgreens

This new policy has been met with mixed reactions from the public. Some people are happy that Walgreens is finally changing their policy, while others are concerned about the potential implications of this change.

The ACLU stepped in to help Jessie Mehan after she was denied access to a restroom that was specifically designated for the gender she claimed. The policy change came about because of Jessie’s push for change, and the ACLU stepped in to help her out. This is an example of how the ACLU can help out those who need it, and how they are always willing to stand up for what they believe in.

A female clerk at a Walgreens in Pennsylvania refused to let a customer use the restroom because she was dressed in a way that the store policy said was not allowed. The customer, identified as Shannon Meehan, told the ACLU that when she asked to speak with a manager about the situation, the manager warned her that her request was against store policy and that she would have to use the men’s room. Meehan emphasized in an email to Walgreens that she had to go and used the stalls while the males used the urinals next to her. This incident, which took place last month, has left Meehan feeling embarrassed and exposed. ..

She had written a letter to Walgreens describing what had transpired as well as her suggestions about how to address this issue, but they never responded to her. She is now considering taking legal action against the company.

After the policy had been passed, customers were now allowed to use any bathroom that syncs with their gender identity. ..


The ACLU has issued a directive stating that every individual has the right to use the restroom that corresponds with their gender identity, regardless of their birth sex. ..

The ACLU social staff attorney Amanda Goad explained that all citizens and non-citizens need uninterrupted access to the restroom. The California law guides the right of all people to make use of restrooms depending on their gender identity in schools, business centers, and workplaces. All businesses and organizations have to ensure that employees understand this. ..

The two companies are not related. They do nothing in common and their work doesn’t affect each other.

Walgreens is now offering free covid-19 tests for everyone above the age of 3 years. Home testing kits are also provided for interested individuals.

Walgreens has made bathrooms available in accordance with gender identity since 2018. This allows people to use the bathroom that corresponds with their gender identity without having to worry about discrimination or harassment. ..