Cyber stalking is a crime that involves someone who stalk or harasses a victim using electronic or digital means such as email, and messages posted to a discussion group or forum. Cyber stalking can be used to blackmail an individual to threaten, humiliate, intimidate and make attempts to control the target. ..

Examples of Cyberstalking

  1. They could go on a spending spree to buy the best quality drugs they can find.
  2. They could try to get away with it by lying or using a fake ID.
  3. They could use violence if necessary to get away with it.

Hacking is the act of breaking into an account or device to gain access to confidential data. Hackers use different methods to get their hands on information, including social media, email, and tracking devices. They may also create fake accounts in order to follow the target and harass them. Comments online can be used as a tool to control the target and send them unwanted messages day in and day out. Tracking devices can be installed in order to keep track of the movements of the target. Posts on online platforms can be used as a way to stalk the individual.

Repercussions of Cyberstalking: 

The consequences of stalking have always been severe, not just physically but emotionally and mentally as well. ..

Necessary Precautions to Prevent Cyberstalking

As technology continues to evolve, so too will the ways in which criminals can use it to commit crimes. For example, criminals may use computers or the Internet to stalk victims. It is important for people to be as careful as possible when using these technologies, and to take steps to protect themselves from crime. One way to do this is to make security a priority on all devices and online accounts. ..

To protect oneself from cybercrime, one should:

  1. Make sure their online accounts are protected with strong passwords and choose difficult passwords.
  2. Use public Wi-Fi instead of connecting to VPN if possible.
  3. Avoid giving away their device to anyone they don’t know.


Cyberstalking is an act of crime and there are various anti-stalking, and harassment laws which can lead to criminal penalties including jail. Under Section 354D of the Indian Penal code, 1860 is a punishable offence. There are other laws as well for cyberstalking. Although it is not completely possible to eradicate the occurrence, implementing the below steps can reduce the damage. Technology enhancements are always for the betterment of society and the world when used efficiently.