Services provided by the hotel to you
Country Inn and Suites tries to provide you the best services that you can feel at home. The list is given below-
You can enjoy the free Wi-Fi there You don’t have to face network issue there, hotel provide you with internet service You does not need to climb the stairs because you use the elevator You can enjoy free breakfast also because the hotel provide free breakfast to its guests You can Take your pets with you but you have to inform the hotel in advance If you are a fitness lovers so you will be happy to see their fitness center You can do two things at a time, which means you can do your business meeting, hotel can arrange meeting rooms for you You does not need to worry about parking and the hotel provides free parking but this is limited You will never be bored there, you can see television and enjoy some activities provide by the hotel You does not need to worry about laundry because they provide laundry and dry cleaning facilities There are also wheelchair facilities, etc. ..
Country Inn and Suites pet policy or rules
Country Inn and Suites is a pet-friendly hotel, which welcomes guests with their beloved pets. However, there are some rules that guests need to follow in order to avoid any problems. The first rule is that guests must inform the hotel management in advance of their pet’s arrival. The hotel will then have the opportunity to approve or disapprove of bringing pets into the property. Pets must be under 30kgs and should not be aggressive. Only one pet per room is allowed, and if guests want to bring more than one pet, they will need to book multiple rooms. Pets are not allowed in restaurants or spas, but there are designated areas for them in some areas of the hotel. When rooms are cleaned by staff or when service providers are called, pets must be kept inside the room with their owners at all times. If pets do damage property while staying at the hotel, owners will be responsible for any damages incurred. Finally, guests are required to stay with their pets when requested by staff or service providers during these events. ..
Frequently asked questions
In advance, you must inform the person you are speaking to that you will not be able to meet with them.
It will not be a good situation if you have to pay penalty charges and check out from the hotel.
Some people allow only dogs and some people allow only cats and birds with a cage. You need to confirm in advance if you want to bring a pet into the house.
Country Inn and Suites is one of the best animal-friendly hotels. It’s good for you and your pets. The hotel provides grassy pet relief areas for your pet. Their employees are friendly. But you have to inform the hotel in advance and follow all the rules made by hotel management.