If you would like to cancel your membership, please fill out the cancellation form and send it to an associate at your local Youfit.

Canceling The Membership Personally

If you want to cancel your Youfit gym membership, you have 10 days to do so. You must fill out a cancellation form and pay any due costs before withdrawing your membership. If you withdraw your membership within 10 days of signing up, Youfit will not charge you for that month’s membership. However, if it takes more than 10 days for them to terminate your subscription, then they may charge you the full processing cost of canceling your subscription–which is currently $60. ..

Cancel Your Gym Membership At Youfit Health Clubs By Certified Mail

If you’re unable to cancel your Youfit membership in person, take these steps:

  1. Contact Youfit by phone or email.
  2. Explain that you need to cancel your membership and provide your name, email address, and the date of your last visit.
  3. Request a cancellation code or refund. ..

Dear Gym, I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to request that you withdraw my membership. I have been a member of your gym for over a year and I have enjoyed using your facilities. However, I am now in the process of paying my dues and there remain several payments that are still unpaid. I would be grateful if you could consider withdrawing my membership so that I can continue using your gym without any further inconvenience. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Your name

The Finest Youfit Health Club Alternatives

  1. Gold’s Gym
  2. Tone & Trim
  3. Pilates & Power
  4. Crunch Time Fitness

The cost of a monthly membership for a local paper is $36.50.

There are over 3,000 U.S. establishments that offer fitness classes and workouts, even when traveling. It’s easy to find a franchise and fit in a workout while on vacation. ..

The average price for a cup of coffee in the United States is $15.

The business offers a variety of reasonably priced options for personal training, including sessions at two different locations. Additionally, the business offers its own training programs that can be requested on a personal basis.

The three-month subscription costs $149. ..

A full-body ballet-style workout based on a patented method called barre. With the option of working out in a small group environment.

Putting Membership On Freeze

If you apply for a free gym pass, it will be given to you. If the pass is not used within 48 hours, it will lapse and Youfit will not automatically resume as a paid membership. You can ask for a membership freeze, though only if it’s for medical reasons. To be suitable, you must create a written note from your doctor and submit your request at least ten days prior to the next bill date. However, cancellations are not prorated. On the positive side, you’ll have the pass to your Youfit gym for every day of your membership plan that you’ve paid for."


If you want to withdraw your membership from Youfit, you have two options: in person or by certified letter. If you have any further questions, please reach an associate at your local Youfit gym. To withdraw your membership by certified mail, visit your local Youfit gym and make a revocation request at the front desk. ..

The two ways to cancel your membership at a Youfit Health Club are by visiting your local Youfit gym and creating a cancellation request, or by withdrawing your membership at the gym through certified mail.

The suspension term can be as short as two months and as long as four months, except for pregnant members, who can freeze their membership for up to six months. You must notify us by email at membership@youfitclubs.co.uk at least 30 days in advance. The suspension term must last for the entire calendar month. In retrospect, a period of the freeze will not be given.

If a company, club, or additional commercial business has 6 or more additional members, group membership pricing may be functional. If the number of fellows in a group membership drops below 6 on any basis, you will have 30 days to rectify the concern, forgetting which the membership will be tagged as a separate membership. Members will be levied a supplement to coincide with individual member fees for the remainder of their contract time.