Goodreads Giveaways

Goodreads has implemented giveaways in an effort to attract new readers and increase interest in its books. By giving away books early, Goodreads can get a better idea of what readers want and need. This helps new authors build an audience before they even write a word.

Prizes In The Giveaways

Books from a variety of genres are available as Goodreads giveaway prizes, with the majority of them being written by authors who are relatively unknown or new to the writing scene. ..

The book can be in either of the two forms mentioned below.

The giveaway books for the month are changed frequently, so be sure to check back often!

For contestants who are U.S. or Canadian residents, any author or publisher can conduct a giveaway for up to 100 books. Authors and publishers with ebooks unrestricted in the United States can organize giveaways for up to 100 books on Kindle ebooks for U.S. residents. Your giveaway must adhere to all pertinent laws, rules, & regulations in your area.

Factors That Determine Eligibility For Giveaways

Follow These Actions To Join To A Chance Of Winning

-Giveaways should be printed on a white or light colored paper to make them more visible. -Make sure the giveaway is easy to read and understand. -Print giveaways on a smaller scale so that they are not overwhelming. -Keep the giveaway short and sweet. When printing giveaways, keep these tips in mind: Printing giveaways on a white or light colored paper makes them more visible and makes it easier for people to take them home. Make sure the giveaway is easy to read and understand, as people will be looking at it for a long time. Print smaller giveaways so that they are not overwhelming, and keep them short and sweet so that people don’t get bored with them quickly. ..

Go to the Giveaways menu on the website.Print Giveaways is a filter that you may use to limit your consequences.Next to the giveaway, you will see a button that says “Enter Giveaway.“Click this button and enter your mailing address or pick an existing address by clicking Select This Address.Abide by the terms and conditions of the entry and then press Enter Giveaway. ..

To enter a Kindle giveaway, use the following code: Kindle giveaways are easy to set up. Just follow these steps: To enter a Kindle giveaway, use the following code: ..

Packages For The Authors

  1. The Basic Package: This includes a giveaway of your book’s first 100 pages to a random reader.
  2. The Premium Package: This includes a giveaway of your entire book to a random reader. Goodreads Giveaways are an effective way for authors and publishers to market their books to readers. The Basic Package offers a giveaway of your book’s first 100 pages to a random reader, while the Premium Package offers a giveaway of your entire book to a random reader. ..

The Standard Package includes a print or Kindle copy of the book, and a $119 per giveaway. The Premium Package includes a print or Kindle copy of the book, and a $599 per giveaway.

Goodreads promotes your giveaway, assisting in the collection of entries, and then selects winners at random once the giveaway has ended. The author or publisher who initiated the request is liable for sending print books to prizewinners, whereas Goodreads drives Kindle ebook giveaways directly.


Goodreads, a popular online book-reviewing and reading site, has been giving away books as prizes for years. Aside from the obvious marketing benefits, this giveaway assists new authors in receiving early feedback and building interest in their work. The author or publisher who initiated the request is liable for sending print books to prizewinners, whereas Goodreads drives Kindle ebook giveaways directly. ..

One giveaway is available for a specific individual or household.

The Random Giveaway Contest is a monthly contest that features a variety of giveaways. The number of entries and winners determines the probability of winning—the number of current participants and potential winners is listed beneath each giveaway book.The winners will be contacted by email.

There is no need for a purchase or payment of any kind.