1. Call Lyft customer service at 1-800-Lyft (1-800-Lyft)
  2. Ask the driver to confirm that the item was lost or stolen and to see if they can help you get it back
  3. If the driver cannot help you get the item back, then you can file a police report

Open the Lyft app. Go to your ride history. Choose the trip from the history log where you have lost the item. Then, call the driver or send a message stating that you have lost your item (This option will be available for 24 hours after your trip ends). ..

When sending a text to your driver, always keep in mind to give the contact number which is currently available to you. ..

If the driver isn’t cooperating or you feel a hunch that he/she is not being honest, you have the option of filing a case with the police. Lyft will assist through all the police investigations.

If your phone is lost or stolen, tap “Contact Support” to get in touch with customer service. Include your alternate number so that you can be reached quickly. ..

Return Fee

If you would like your driver to return your belongings to you safely, please provide the driver with $15 upon request. If the driver does not return your belongings within a certain amount of time, you may be charged for their efforts.

Lyft is offering a special Lost & Found policy for its Pink members. If an item is lost or stolen while a Pink member is using the Lyft app, there will be no charge for returning the item. ..

Things to Note

Lyft offers no responsibility, reimbursement, or insurance for lost items. In the event that the lost item is not returned by the driver, you can complain to the police directly and the police will contact Lyft’s agency and further action will be initiated. The passenger should also be ready to meet the driver at the decided place since the driver has to attend to other passengers too. The passenger should fill out a Law enforcement requests page which is available on Lyft’s website. The Lyft agency will make sure your privacy is protected and will respond well with an investigation process. Remember, if you have lost something valuable, you only have to wait for law enforcement to investigate this matter seriously without delays.

 Things to do after your phone is stolen by a Lyft driver

If you’re worried about your personal safety and the safety of your Lyft account, it’s important to take some simple precautions. First, close any bank accounts that are linked to your Lyft account. This will make it harder for someone to access your money if they steal your phone. Next, change your password on all of your accounts - not just Lyft - so that if someone does manage to steal your phone, they won’t be able to access your other information as well. Finally, if you ever find yourself unable to access your Lyft account or any of the other accounts linked to it because you’ve lost the phone, be sure to immediately log into the account using an alternate mobile device and get driver details so that the process can move more quickly. ..

If you ever find something that has been stolen, be prepared for the worst. Even if you retrieve the item, there is a chance it was damaged in the process. ..

If you have misplaced an item and the driver is not able to drop it off at your desired location, it is up to both the passenger and the driver to decide where and when to drop the item. Once it is dropped, there will be a return fee charged. The fee will only go to the driver’s account. ..


When using Lyft, always follow the instructions carefully on the app or website. Never jump to conclusions and assume something has happened to your ride or that you’ve lost your phone. ..

The Driver who works hard genuinely will be in trouble if the passenger files a police complaint. If the Driver is found to have been negligent in their work, they may be subject to criminal charges.


If the driver is not receiving your calls, please try calling him or her directly.

If the driver is not responding to your calls or any of your queries, you should contact Lyft customer service where they will assist you with what to do next.

Yes, you can pay the return fee in cash.

When you tip in cash, the amount is added to your total bill, just like a gratuity charge. So the return fee charges will always be via app/website.

Can Lyft mail my lost item to me if I’m out of the United States?

Drop shipping is a great way to start a business, but it can be difficult to predict when your products will arrive. Always be prepared for delays, and pay the extra shipping charges so you’re not left out in the cold if your products don’t arrive on time. ..