Postmates and caviar provide the same food ordering services to their customers. The only difference is that postmates delivers food products, personal items, and groceries while caviar only delivers food products from restaurants. Postmates is not only restricted to delivering food products from restaurants only. They deliver every product to their customers except illegal items, weapons, and animals. Apart, from the additional services, it has been observed as per the rating of the customers that the customer care services provided by caviar are better than postmates. ..

Services provided by Postmates

Postmates offers promo codes and discount coupons to their customers. Offering discount on orders increases sales as well as marketing value. Postmates delivers food items, edibles, and personal items Postmates provide an easy return policy to their customers.

Services provided by Caviar

Caviar offers promo codes and discount coupons to their customers. These discount coupons and promo codes on orders increase sales and customer engagement. Caviar provides good customer care services. Caviar only delivers food orders.

Postmates vs Caviar

Caviar delivery charges are higher than Postmates delivery charges. Caviar delivery charges can range from $1 to $9, whereas Postmates delivery charges range from $3 to $6. Caviar only delivers food orders, whereas Postmates delivers a variety of items, including groceries and personal items. Caviar guarantees delivery within 45 minutes, whereas Postmates does not provide an assured time of delivery. Caviar is more common than Postmates because it offers on-demand service, while Postmates only offers food order delivery. Caviar’s customer service is not as good as Postmates’ customer service. ..


Caviar is a type of seafood that is typically delivered in a box. Postmates, which is owned by uber, initiates the refunds as soon as possible, within three days and caviar took approximately seven days to refund the money after cancellation. Postmates gives a time range for their orders to deliver while caviar lacks in that section. Caviar didn’t accept the returned orders from consumers while postmates accepts the return if the reason is valid. Based on the comparison between the order delivery systems, it was concluded that both companies provide good services to their customers in their way. Rest it’s the choice of the user or the customers to choose any of the delivery services based on their requirements, available discount offers, promo codes, and flexibility.

Can we order alcohol from caviar and postmates?

Yes, one can order alcohol from Caviar and Postmates. Caviar offers delivery of alcohol to your door, while Postmates offers on-demand delivery of alcohol. ..

Yes, postmates offer promo codes. These codes can help you save on your next order.

Postmates offers promo codes to its customers. Customers can use these codes to get discounts on their orders. ..

Postmates is owned by the same company as caviar.

Uber owns postmates, and Caviar is owned by Doordarsh. ..

Caviar delivery services like Postmates offer a variety of groceries and personal items, such as food and drinks. However, the delivery service does not deliver caviar.

Caviar doesn’t deliver groceries and personal items like that of Postmates. They only deliver food items picked up from restaurants and cafes. ..