Best Buy credit card: What you need to know Best Buy credit card is a great option for those who are looking for an amazing discount on their purchase from the store. However, it is important to be aware of the frauds that this card may attract. If you have any concerns about this, then it is best to get a different credit card that does not have such high interest rates.

Credit Card Frauds

-Be sure to use your credit card responsibly and only use it for necessary expenses. -Be sure to keep track of your account activity and report any suspicious behavior to your bank or credit card company.

Dealing with Best Buy Credit Card Frauds

Best Buy is always keeping its customers aware of the fraudulent cyber crimes happening around. Some tips that Best Buy offers its customers are: -Be sure to have up-to-date antivirus software installed and updated. -Keep your computer and personal information safe by using a strong password and not sharing it with anyone. -Report any suspicious emails or phone calls to your bank or the police. ..

Reporting the theft to the FTC

  1. Calling the FTC at 1-800-FTC-HELP (1-800-382-4357)
  2. Sending an email to
  3. visiting their website at

The FTC takes immediate action once the issue is reported to them. Save your complaint number after you register the issue with FTC for your future reference.


Best Buy is a leading electronics retailer store and would never indulge in any fraudulent financial crimes. However, some people might misuse the brand to commit such financial thefts by making the identity. One needs to be very much aware of the kind of thefts that are committed and how many ways of doing that exist.

The FTC’s online portal allows you to report issues with your credit card to the agency. You can call Best Buy customer service on 1-888-237-8289 to immediately report the issue and get your credit card frozen or temporarily blocked so that any further illegitimate transactions cannot be made.

Best Buy does not offer purchase protection on its credit cards because Citibank is responsible for all financial aspects of the store. ..

The bank or company is only liable for a full refund of the fraudulent transaction if the security breach or identity theft was done from their side on account of their negligence. In other cases, the customer may have to bear the loss themselves.